General Woodworking
From bird houses and musical instrument to yachts and wind turbine blades, RAPTOR® users create fascinating things. Join conversations about a wide variety of interesting applications for RAPTOR®. Get help from seasoned users or chime in and add your own voice to the discussion.

CNC woodworkers take pride in their creations. Here you can talk shop and see what other wood workers are creating. Post your photos and videos. Ask questions, share your RAPTOR® tips and tricks or spark new ideas.

Logs & Lumber
Lumber mills make up the largest segment of RAPTOR® users worldwide. Join a conversation with other logging and lumber RAPTOR® users. Receive help or share advice.

Boat Builders
RAPTOR® boat builders value efficiency as well as quality and beauty. This group is just for you. Brag about your latest build, share ideas & tips or get help from other like-minded artisans. Wooden boat builders at all levels are invited to the conversation.

Cabinet & Door Makers
Attention to detail and fine craftsmanship are at the core of your business. Meet here with other cabinet and door makers to discuss how you use RAPTOR® nails in your glue up applications. Share your advice or come for new ideas.

As a composites manufacturer, your finger is on the pulse of innovation. Here you can talk shop and find solutions that will help you receive the greatest value from your RAPTOR® fastening system.

Need help with troubleshooting your tool or just a recommendation on which tool to purchase for your application needs? Start a conversation here.