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  • #2283
    Jerry Manak

    What is the difference between the S/05-25NF and the S/05-25LF staples. I am planning on using Raptor staples for the hull laminations on the boat that I’m building. They would be left behind so a minimum of staple remaining above the surface would be preferable. Thanks


    Hi Jerry,
    The NF (no fill) and LF (low fill) are used in cases where lumber is going through a lumber mill and will be eventually cut with a delicate molder saw blade. For your boatbuilding application, neither one of these would be recommended. Our standard S/05 staple will be what you want to use, depending on the length needed. As you may already know, these can be sanded off after they have done their job of holding things together while your epoxy/glue sets. Let us know if you have any other questions.

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